Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ways to Make some Extra Cash

So we all need this right now, right? What I always recommend is selling things. yardsales, Craigslist, Ebay etc.

First you need to look at what you are selling, and then decide where to sell it.

1. If you have a lot of things try having a yardsale first. Advertise on your local Craigslist and pennysaver if you have one. Craigslist is free but the Pennysaver costs like $35. But each time I have used them, I had lots of people come and easily made that money back.

2. Large things that didn't sell at the yardsale should be listed on Craigslist. That way you don't have to worry about shipping. Plus people will pay a little more if you are local and they don't have to worry about shipping.

3. Small things, collectibles, kids clothes, and odd things are still best sold on Ebay I find. You have more people looking therefore a better chance to sell.

Ebay tips: If you are selling clothes try to do it at the beginning of the season. If you have Fall and winter clothes, put them together, and try to sell in August or September. you will make more that way. Take as many pix as you can, and describe the best you can. If there is a stain, don't ignore it, list it. You will have a better reputation if you are honest.

Buy a cheap shipping scale and package and print shipping labels at home. Just go to You can even schedule to have your mailman pick up your packages for you, so no out of the way trips to the post office.

My goal is to get rid of our stuff by about 33% by the end of the year. If we haven't used it in 6 months, we don't need it. I think it will make for a much more relaxed home life. Seriously. We have too much stuff.

And don't forget; if you have tried to sell it and still no interest after a while. Donate it. Get a receipt and write it off your taxes next year. I believe in karma. You have to give to receive.